Thursday, February 6, 2014

Journal Post #4: Designing Lessons and Developing Curriculum with Technology

Focus Question: How can teachers use technology to make decisions about meeting educational standards in their lesson plans?

Teachers have to make a lot of decisions when it comes to hat hey teach their students.  There are national and local standards that are used in determining what areas need to be taught and this can be obtained online on the websites for each.  Being able to look up national standards for example would be a great help in deciding how far you want to go with a lesson and the sites for these standards even offer example lesson plans.  This would help tremendously and make it a LOT faster than trying to read them from books or periodicals.  There are also sites for lesson planning available that even give you tips on how to teach the lessons using various forms of technology such as Keyote.

Tech Tool 4.3

The websites and apps described in Tech Tools 4.3 all seem to be designed to make a teachers life so much easier and make him/her more efficient.  Android for Academics has five different apps that can help such as Grade Book for Professors.  You can have a pin-protected one-stop place to put in and update your student’s grades and have the correct one at any given moment.  I like a lot of these sites and apps, but there seems to be one for this and one for that.  Being able to have a gradebook and attendance records and rubric help all in one spot would be ideal for me.

Summary & Connection

Chapter 4 goes over lesson planning and all the help that is available for teachers online with many programs and apps to develop what they needs for national, state and local standards.  It amazes me how far we have come.  Years ago none of this was available and teachers had to do a lot of busy work to get the information they needed.  Now it is at their fingertips in a flash!

The part of this Chapter I found most interesting was learning about assessments of students and how testing regularly can show a teacher what needs to be worked on and what doesn’t throughout the year.  I see my son getting reports from assessment tests and can see his progress from beginning to end.  There are different ways teachers and schools do this, but the bottom line is that they are a very important and useful tool for both teachers and students.


Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Academy Geeks Inc. (2010). Android for Academics. [Picture]. Retrieved from

Academy Geeks Inc. (2010). Android for Academics. [Video]. Retrieved from


  1. Assessments can be both formative, which provides that good feedback along the way, or summative, which are used for finality. Unfortunately, the sole dependence on standardized tests as both types, but especially summative, means we are neglecting other aspects of learning (i.e., creativity, problem-solving, etc). With standardized tests, we are generally limited to more knowledge-based questions which are considered lower-level thinking skills.

    1. I would have to agree. I see the important of testing, obviously this needs to be done to not only make sure a student is understanding, but also to make sure the student isn't bored! This happens a lot and the standardized tests only show they know the material in the tests. It doesn't show if they are too advanced for that material (or behind as well). I have met several children that are so bored in clas they hate school, but they are SO eager to learn it is unreal. I prefer formative tests and beleive they give a better picture of what a students NEEDS, not just what they have learned.
